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Wednesday 30 September 2009

Experimental type:
I have decided that I am going to do my project on Helvetica after a short discussion with James that made me realise I was being closed-minded. Also it has a lot of history and scope for experimentation. This also means however that it has already received a lot of attention from designers in the past, making it harder to come up with a new concept.
My initial ideas for the project is to go down the everywhere but not seen (shift worker of fonts) rout. So far my ideas are:
  • very subtle color differences so that the letters/words just show up.
  • Over crowding the page with letters/words of different sizes.
  • Design a type of optical illusion where the words show up, using diagonal lines. Although this may take a lot of work.
Self Promotion:
We were given our other project today which is to design our own personal identity, including a business suite including letterhead, business card, and compliment slip. We also have to design our website ready to be made in SP4, but i think the overall look will come naturally once I have an understanding of how i am going to do the suite. It's an interesting project because it means we get to start building an idea of how we want to portray ourselves as designers, at the same this is going to be quit difficult as I really don't know how I want to be perceived yet. It'll be nice to have a clearer idea in 6 weeks hopefully.