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Tuesday 27 April 2010

have resized and printed the bloodbag sticker but i think i need to print it on something different to get the right effect. I have also been out taking pictures for the website but didnt reall et any good ones because i was on my own and felt like a bit of a berk. will go back ot in a bit with a friend to help.

i need to set up a legal and copyright document for this project and get started on it.

Monday 26 April 2010


I have drawn up a daily timetable which i think will really help, and am on target for today.

I have started to experiment with the underground map design,and have realized that i'm not very good at using a scalpel. however its nice to get away from the computer. I think i might try and use the plotter to cut out a load of vinyl strips that would be the different lines. this would be more time efficient and would produce a cleaner finish. also it would make the idea more viable if it where to be a real design.

I am going to experiment with having the stop circle in the middle and have the tube lines in the right colours on the left going in and as they come out turning into ckny cut and going to the design museum.
Time management to do list:
Outline the designers i have looked at
collate some of the research into something i can hand in
Finish the Blood bag image
finish the maximalism poster
experiment with the underground poster
collect some scrap images for the alan fletcher quote poster
sort out the type for de stijl poster
Design the symbols

website stuff
take a couple of extra pictures of myself firstly

Saturday 24 April 2010


i am actually really struggling now. i don't seem to be able to concentrate and have to a b it of a creative block. I need some kind of logo for each poster and the underground map is going to take quite a bit of work and I'm not really sure how I'm going to do it.
I think that de stijl poster is a bit shit to be honest, but its the only one that directly reference a design/period of design.

Monday 19 April 2010


First day back went well. know what i need to do a bit better know. its just down to doing it know. I need to research some de stijl typography and add my interpretation to my poster. i need to design a series of symbols that represent each period and add a with thanks to, to each poster. i need to do so practical experiment with the underground map idea. i need to design the alan fletcher poster i think a collage would be best.

“Wit makes connections no-one thougt of in quite the same way before.
Wit exposes a likeness in things that are different, and a difference in things that are alike.
Wit makes sense out of nonsense.”
Alan Fletcher, The Monkey (Chinese horoscope animals), 1993, collage, G&B Arts/Pentagram

Sunday 18 April 2010


Today i finished my website to the extent that it functions. im not overly happy with it as its very basic and the design needs changing really. however it will have to do for now. My essay is almost there only have a couple hundred words to go but that shouldn't be too difficult.

My poster are beginning to develop quite well know although i really need to hurry as time is running out and i still have to design 2 of them from scratch! i dont know how i've managed to get so behind, in comparison to the cotton candy project im doing rubbish. i guess its because i wasn't sure exactly what i wanted to do and then had to settle for something which was still uncertain. not much can do now other than crack on.